Moving this weekend! I will miss the winter morning drives along the lake, watching the sun rise. And running/biking/walking along the lake. But otherwise, I am ecstatic to be moving into town. We have leased a lovely house, very open with nice big windows and a walled in backyard with lots of bushes and trees. Although my room itself is smaller and I'll eventually be sharing a bathroom, the rest of the house is huge, so space is definitely not a problem. Plus I can walk to church, to the grocery store, library, etc. Or also bike around town more.
Despite the turbulence of ever-changing roommates, my room on Scorpion Way has been a haven for me. Nine months in the same place was a nice treat after so many moves in D.C. I will miss my walk-in closet. And randomly running into people on the street. Scorpion Thanksgiving and Christmas were definitely some of the highlights. But I'm sure there will be many more card nights and dinner parties in town as well.
Farewell, my first home in Page!